November 19th, 2021

End of Season Landscaping

Fallen Dry Autumn Leaves

Late fall means wrapping up this year’s landscaping and preparing for the first snow. The right winter preparation will also keep your yard safe to enjoy through winter, saving you time and money come spring. To make sure you are ready for the falling temperatures, follow our simple steps below.

Keep your beds clean
Those pesky weeds will keep growing until the ground freezes. Keeping weeds in check now will make life easier next spring. Remove any dead annuals and cut back ornamental grasses or perennials.

Plant early bulbs
It is safe to plant your spring bulbs until the ground begins to freeze! November is the perfect time to get those daffodils, crocus and hyacinth bulbs into the ground so you can start to enjoy next year’s growing season as soon as the ground thaws.

Rake those leaves
Thick mats of leaves can harm your lawn over winter and allow disease to spread. Instead, collect and shred the leaves in your yard. Shredded leaves can then be added to your mulch or compost pile.

Compost your Halloween decorations
Don’t send your pumpkins to the landfill! Instead, smash them up into smaller pieces and add them to your compost pile! If you don’t compost, leave the smaller pieces out as a treat for squirrels and deer.

Landscaping Bushes

Balance your soil pH
Acidic soil is a common concern. Fall is the perfect time to add some lime to the soil to help balance the pH over the winter.

Prune Trees
After trees have lost their leaves and gone dormant, some gentle pruning can still be done. Remove any dangerous or diseased branches before winter.

Protect delicate trees and bushes
Snow and ice are heavy and can damage delicate trees and bushes. The end of fall is a great time to tie up branches/trees to give them the extra support they need to make it through winter. If you have any evergreens, now is the time to add dormant oil to help protect them from harsh winter winds and temperatures.

Fertilize your lawn
Add a winterizing fertilizer to your grass in November. Look for products that are high in potassium to strengthen your grass from top to bottom and help it tolerate the cold and stress of winter.

Winterize water lines
Drain any and all water from hoses, irrigation systems or fountains. Make sure to disconnect them from the outside source and store someplace dry for the winter. Anything left connected over winter can damage your equipment and cause plumbing issues inside your home.

Following these steps now will save you time and money next spring and help your trees and plants survive the harsh winter weather.